Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ready for a giveaway? Read all about it and how to sign up.

I am having a give away for a $35 gift certificate sponsored by CSN stores.   There are 200 stores with just about anything you would want or need.  They have everything from furniture, kitchen items, toys, baby gear, and even a leather briefcase and much more.

I personally like their toy store.  They have some wonderful toys with super great prices.

Or how about some great cookware.  My favorite frying pan is this cast iron one.  I use it every day!

Emerilware Cast Iron 12" Skillet

So now you are wondering how you can win?  It is really easy.  Just leave me a comment on this post.  Tell me what your favorite post on my blog has been and tell me what you would buy if you are the winner from CSN Stores.  I will put all the comments in a program that randomly draws a winner. I will announce the winner after 6pm on December 1st.  You will have 48 hours to repsond, if I don't hear from you in that time I will draw a new winner.  Make sure and check back!
You have until Dec. 1st at 6pm Pacific time to get your entry in.  Good luck!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Just wanted to post a short note to say I have lots of plans coming up.  I will be doing a How To post soon on making pumpkin pie from the pumpkin to the table.  Also I have a give away coming up right after Thanksgiving. 

Ed and the girls picked the last of the apples today.  Right after we had a snow storm.  We actually had snow last night and this morning.  It doesn't last as the ground is too wet, but the girls had a blast playing for a bit.

The pantry shelves are pretty full and so is the freezer.  I just have pie fillings to make and can and jelly and jams. 

Here are a few photos of the latest harvest work.

This is my freezer slaw.  I shredded some of my carrots, red cabbage and bell peppers.  Then I used a recipe for making freezer slaw.  I put 10 containers of this in the freezer.  It is really good!  That is what I did with half my cabbage harvest.

Here is what I did with the other half of my cabbage harvest.  It is kraut, fermenting in quart jars.  This is really simple to make.

Here are some of my beets.  I use my turkey deep fryer for cooking them.  I hose them off to remove any garden soil left on them.  Then they go into the cooker until they are done.

This has been the best buy we ever made!  We bought it from a person on Craig's list for $45.  It is all stainless steel and we use it for so many things.  We cook crab in it, use it for cooking big batches of things like the beets for canning, we use it for scalding the poultry on butchering day.  Yep, a great buy!

After the beets are cooked part of them are put into really cold water in the sink where I slip the skins off them and cut the root and the tops off.
Then into the big silver bowl they go.  The really large beets are sliced and the smaller ones are left whole.

Then they are put in with the seasoning and syrup solution.  Oh what are we making?  Pickled beets!  Sorry, I forgot to tell you what we are doing here. 

Into the boiling water bath canner they go.

And here they are cooling on the table.  I believe I got 29 qts of pickled beets.

I also got the carrots finished up.  We had 28 qts of carrots to put in the pantry.

We also butchered the turkeys, and a duck.  Still have roosters and more ducks to do.

Our turkey we are having for dinner on Thanksgiving weighed in at 30 pounds after being dressed.  Good thing we have a big turkey, we will have 18 for dinner on Thanksgiving day.

See you all tomorrow with the pie how to post!